Success With Hypnosis NLP to Create Change – Success With Hypnosis


NLP to Create Change

NLP to Create Change

Many people need clarification on NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). The term itself, Neuro Linguistic Programming, offers a few clues. Neuro involves our thinking, Linguistic – our use of language, and Programming – our strategies for achieving our outcomes.
John Grinder and Richard Bandler originally developed NLP. By modeling the language and behavior of excellent therapists, they discovered how to use language in such a way that it can create inner change more quickly.
To help you understand how powerful these principles and techniques can be, the following is one of my experiences with NLP.
I lived in northern California for many years, and every spring, I would go to Yosemite National Park with friends. One year, we hiked up Half Dome- a mountain with a large granite dome at the top; you pull yourself up the crown with the help of metal cables. This hike was the first time I realized how robust a phobic response can be. Yes, I feared heights, but typically, it didn’t bother me when hiking. However, the extreme scale of this mountain took my experience to a different level. I felt an intense fear reaction when I attempted the last part of that hike. Not only did I begin to shake all over, but my breathing accelerated, my vision became blurred, and my legs would not hold me up. I was having my first-ever panic attack and phobic response. The instant reaction I experienced to visual cues is a hallmark of a phobic response. I didn’t continue to the top.
Before we returned the following year, I found a hypnotherapist who was a Master practitioner of NLP and asked for his help. We used some hypnosis, but we also did two potent NLP techniques, which made all the difference. Not only did I make it up the mountain that next trip, but I also made it to the top feeling confident and fearless. It was one of the best experiences of my life!
So, when we use NLP for specific issues, we can make incredible progress toward goals that may have eluded us. Change can be difficult, but with NLP, change can happen much more smoothly, quickly, and permanentl

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