Success With Hypnosis Seven Ways to Increase Motivation – Success With Hypnosis


Seven Ways to Increase Motivation

Seven Ways to Increase Motivation

I deal with helping my clients find the motivation to change behaviors or create new actions every day. It became apparent to me that motivation, to be effective, has to come from something more profound than a feeling; it has to come from a motive. A motive is what is inside a person that leads them to pursue a specific outcome. The gym is filled with new exercisers for the first couple of weeks in January, but attendance fades quickly by the end of the month. This subsequent lack of action is because their motivation didn’t come from deep inside.

Many people know that exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, yet they still can’t find the motivation to continue. Their motives do not come from a deeper place. Their desire for health may need to be more robust to keep consistent action. 

This lack of motive or action causes the would-be exercisers to stop their positive behavior before it becomes a habit. Lack of motivation will also slow down or stop anyone wishing to succeed. The behavior is the same regardless of the context. Lack of motivation is the critical difference between success and failure.

Following are seven great ways to increase motivation and stimulate success:

1.    Stay positive. Focusing on positive thoughts creates energy and stimulates activity. If you struggle with “glass half full” thinking, try meditation, self-hypnosis, or prayer.

2.    Taking action will help gather momentum to overcome procrastination, a motivation killer. Many people think endlessly about exercising or making a sales call but never get up and take action. Lack of action and overthinking is the definition of procrastination.

3.    Take responsibility for where you are now and decide to move forward. Taking responsibility gives you power.

4.    Use better self-talk. Let go of de-motivating language like try, why, can’t, but, and hope. The language you use in your mind has a powerful effect on mood and energy.

5.    Never rationalize bad behavior; realize it is simply a lie you tell yourself to avoid unpleasant tasks.

6.    Focus on the goal and make it exciting and a stretch. The goal needs to inspire. If your emotions are not engaged, there will be no motivation.

7.    Find a role model and use their path to success to give you a template to succeed. Using a role model is a great way to get ideas from someone already successful at something you wish to achieve and helps move you past the fear of failure and the unknown.

Using hypnotherapy to work through the steps above can help you make changes quickly and efficiently. The motivation will then become strong enough to take action and create more success in your life.

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